Maurice Wutscher’s Donald Maurice Speaks to MarketWatch About Post-Judgment Interest on Debt

Donald Maurice attorney

Dec. 16, 2021 ­— Maurice Wutscher partner Donald Maurice was quoted in a recent MarketWatch article about post-judgment interest rates on outstanding debt owed by consumers.

Mr. Maurice, who is legal counsel for Receivables Management Association International, said RMAI’s members “don’t sit on judgments and any interest that would accrue on them during the intervening period wouldn’t offset collection costs.”

“’Persons who have judgments against them are financially distressed, the problem is not trying to collect more on the judgment, the problem is trying to collect any amount,’ he said. ‘It just doesn’t make sense that anyone who is practicing good compliant business practices is going to want to sit on judgments to accrue interest.’” 

Donald Maurice represents the financial services industry, successfully litigating matters in appellate and trial courts throughout the country in individual and class actions and guiding businesses, trade associations and financial services companies nationwide in regulatory and compliance matters.