July 18, 2022 — Maurice Wutscher attorneys Donald Maurice and Brent Yarborough will demonstrate how small and medium enterprises can economically undertake the necessary steps to come into compliance with the new requirements of the Safeguards Rule at the ACA International Convention & Expo on July 21 in Orlando.
Companies engaged in consumer debt collection have until Dec. 9 to align their data protection programs with recent regulatory amendments to the Safeguards Rule. The rule, first promulgated in 2002 under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, regulates the data privacy practices of financial institutions, which covers debt collectors and debt buyers as well as originating creditors.
In “Get Your Company Ready Today for the New Safeguards Rule,” the panelists will review the procedures and controls covered entities and their vendors must implement to be in compliance. Also joining the panel will be Fred Langston of Critical Insight, Inc.
For more information and to register, click here.
Donald Maurice represents the financial services industry, successfully litigating matters in appellate and trial courts throughout the country in individual and class actions and guiding businesses, trade associations, healthcare and financial services companies nationwide in regulatory and compliance matters.
Brent Yarborough is a principal at Maurice Wutscher LLP. He focuses his practice on regulatory compliance and the defense of consumer law claims, representing financial institutions, debt buyers, and law firms.