Tag Archives: american pipe tolling

Maurice Wutscher’s Ralph Wutscher to Present at ACI’s National Forum on Consumer Finance Class Actions and Government Enforcement

April 11, 2018 — Maurice Wutscher attorney Ralph Wutscher will present at the National Forum on Consumer Finance Class Actions and Government Enforcement on July 16 in Chicago.

Mr. Wutscher will discuss issues relating to whether American Pipe tolling allows a previously absent class member to pursue a new but otherwise time-barred subsequent class action.

He will present on a panel entitled “The Tolling Effect: An Analysis of China Agritech, Inc. v. Resh.” Panelists will provide analysis and insights regarding:

»  The China Agritech, Inc. v. Resh case, currently on appeal before the Supreme Court of the United States, and its impact on the consumer finance industry;

»  Whether American Pipe tolling applies to toll subsequent class action claims, as opposed to only tolling the individual claims of the putative members of an earlier class action;

»  Whether newly named plaintiffs may borrow statute of limitations tolling from prior failed suits where they were unnamed class members;

»  Whether a person who opts out can assert the activation of tolling in a subsequent action prior to the denial of certification; and

»  How the rule might apply cross-jurisdictionally to subsequent actions in state and federal courts.

The National Forum is organized by the American Conference Institute.  For more information, click here.