Tag Archives: Henson v. Santander

Webinar to Discuss Active, Passive Debt Buyers and Which Are Subject to FDCPA

May 22, 2018 — Maurice Wutscher attorney Donald Maurice will be among a panel of speakers, including an attorney with the Federal Trade Commission, that will discuss how the 2017 Supreme Court case Henson v. Santander is impacting debt buyers during an RMA International webinar tomorrow at noon ET.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Henson v. Santander held that not all entities that purchase defaulted debt are subject to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Although Santander addressed the issue in the context of a national bank, the decision fueled discussion (and several cases) raising the possibility that certain debt buying companies may not be subject to the FDCPA. The panelists will discuss what kind of entities those might be and how they would be structured.

For more information and to register for “The Debt Buyer Identity Crisis: Active, Passive or Something Different?” click here.